Meeting Ian Hartnell
Last week Dr. Christoph Beyer (Managing Director), Mark Christmas (Supply Chain Manager) and Suren Dias-Jayasinha (Head of Sales & Marketing) had the pleasure of meeting Ian Hartnell.

Ian was instrumental in establishing the QMAG business over 30 years ago when he was initially engaged as a consultant from Bank of America and then shortly afterwards as the Deputy Managing Director of Queensland Metals Corporation, responsible for all commercial matters, directly working for QMAG’s founder Ian Howard-Smith. Ian regaled us with stories from the heady times in the 1980s and 1990s as Queensland Metals Corporation established QMAG as a viable business and a producer of the highest quality refractory products from one of the largest crypto-crystalline magnesite deposits in the world.
Soil Carbon Sequestration Project
QMAG has engaged local soil health and grazing experts RCS to investigate the feasibility of a grazing-based soil carbon sequestration pilot project on the Kunwarara mine site.
From our Ore to Your Door - Episode 11: Quality Control and R&D
QMAG’s commitment to quality is found throughout the various stages of production.
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