Peregine Falcon family

QMAG is super proud to host a breeding pair of peregrine falcons high up in our deadburn building at our Parkhurst processing facility.

Peregrine falcons are not only the fastest bird in the world but actually the fastest animal on the planet! They soar to great heights before stooping (diving down) on their unsuspecting prey at more than 300km/h! In fact their highest measured speed is 389km/h! They can withstand up to 25 Gs - 25 times the force of gravity - whereas fighter pilots can 'only' handle 8-9 Gs before they pass out. To do that and not damage your organs and even just be able to breathe and not pass out you need some pretty impressive adaptions - peregrine falcons have modified eyelids, nostrils, skeleton including an extra vertebra, feathers and wings, and large strong modified heart and lungs with oxygen continually circulated around thanks to an incredible heartbeat up to 900 times a minute.

Their vision is exceptional - they can spot a mouse from 3km away! Prey is predominantly small and medium-sized birds such as pigeons and galahs, but they’ll also feed on rodents, rabbits and other day-active mammals. Hunting may be cooperative with one, usually the male, scattering a flock of birds whilst the other swoops down on a targeted individual. Their skills were put to use in WWII to intercept homing pigeons. Unfortunately post WWII widespread use of the pesticide DDT nearly wiped them out before it's ban in the 1970s. They have since recovered, and can be found on every continent except Antarctica, although they are never common. Their main risk now, especially for juveniles, is high speed collisions with glass, overhead wires and other structures.

Peregrine falcons live up to 20 years and are monogamous and mate for life. From August to November things get busy as they breed. Two to three eggs are laid in a basic nest on a high cliff or building ledge with a commanding view. Any humans with multiple young children will sympathise and relate to these birds as a month after laying and the young hatch it gets super busy for Mum and Dad who take turns or hunt together an endless supply of food for their VERY demanding noisy chicks. When the fluffballs lose their down after 5-6 weeks the adults bring them less and less food, and the chicks are forced to fledge. The parents will do acrobatic flights in front of the nest to encourage hesitant chicks to take the leap. Mum and Dad will help teach them how to fly and will continue to feed for a few months.
Everyone here at QMAG wishes our pair a successful breeding season.

Meeting Ian Hartnell

Last week Dr. Christoph Beyer (Managing Director), Mark Christmas (Supply Chain Manager) and Suren Dias-Jayasinha (Head of Sales & Marketing) had the pleasure of meeting Ian Hartnell.

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Our new corporate video

We previewed it at the recent SAIMM Copper/Cobalt Conference in Zambia where it was warmly received. We would love your feedback as well!

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RACQ CapRescue Ball

On Friday, 21st July, Central Queensland residents donned their most beautiful dresses and suits to attend the biennial RACQ CapRescue Ball, presented by QMAG.

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Part 2 of the shaft kiln ignition ceremony post

and more pictures of Tim, Richy, Adam and the rest of the QMag team:

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We lit up our Shaft Kiln No. 3

Our QMAG production team in Parkhurst / Queensland lit up our Shaft Kiln No. 3 for Deadburned Magnesia production after a scheduled shutdown for maintenance and repairs.

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CCM for the agricultural market

For decades, QMAG has been committed to producing consistent and reliable high-quality magnesite and CCM products for the Agricultural market.

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