Refratechnik Asia Visit
On Monday QMAG was pleased to host Fırat Maral, Area Sales Manager Refratechnik Asia (RTA), and Richard Sagar, MD of Ammerman, RTA’s agent in Australia and New Zealand.
RTA will be assisting QMAG with CCM business development activities in SE Asia through their network of agents in Indonesia, The Philippines, Vietnam, and Malaysia.
In turn QMAG will assist RTA with their non-ferrous metals business development activities in the region.
Thank you for visiting us and looking forward to our future cooperation!

Soil Carbon Sequestration Project
QMAG has engaged local soil health and grazing experts RCS to investigate the feasibility of a grazing-based soil carbon sequestration pilot project on the Kunwarara mine site.
From our Ore to Your Door - Episode 11: Quality Control and R&D
QMAG’s commitment to quality is found throughout the various stages of production.
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as soon as we can.